Thursday, May 30, 2013

Family Relations:May 27th-31st

This week in Family Relations I had one concept come through to me in a way that has never happened before. The topic we discussed in class was how to keep a happy relationship with your partner. My professor, Brother Williams, said that one of the best qualities every woman has is their ability to nurture. As I thought about being the nurturer in my relationship, it made me think of ways I could improve the relationship between my fiance and I. If there is a disagreement or argue, I can nurture that argument which will ease the tension and help both of us reach a conclusion. I believe both the man and the woman in the relationship know of ways to comfort each other. We also discussed how much of an impact shared attachment comes into play when developing a relationship. Similarities, shared ideals, and shared experiences will help couples understand and feel more compatible around each other.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Family Relations May 20th-24th

This week in Family Relations we had the opportunity to read an article entitled, Sisters Give Siblings Better Mental Health. In this article a study was done on the positive effects of having a sister either younger or older. Having a sister increased the feelings of love and placement in the family. This is especially close to me because I have one younger sister and no brothers. Even though I am the oldest, I have always felt comfort through my sister. She has always been there for me and we have a very strong support system between the two of us. My sister is my best friend and to me this study make a lot of sense, because without my sister I would not feel as loved or needed.
We also touched on men and women being an opposite sex. The question was asked in class, are boys and girls born different? And is our behavior innate or cultural? I believe that people are equal in the sense that we should all have the same opportunities, but we need to realize that not every person is the same.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Family Relations May13h-17th

This week in Family Relations we were able to discuss diversity in families. We discussed how easily it can be to judge someone when they fit into a certain class system. Our class watched a YouTube video called "Tammy's Story." Tammy was a single mother of two young sons, much like my mother only with two daughters. Tammy lived in a trailer and did not have a vehicle. Money was tight but Tammy did everything she could to provide for her family. Tammy walked 10 1/2 miles to work every day and knew that her circumstances were not perfect, but she was doing all she knew how to do. Tammy's sons were embarrassed of her and her oldest son even acted like he was better and higher up in class than the rest of his family. I think that everyone is trying to conform to the ways of the world. Everyone is trying to constantly seek attention and gain approval from each other, especially from those of a higher class. Your family can be the most important part in your life, through family love and support you can reach your full potential. There are many cultural differences, but our differences make us important and allow us to succeed.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Family Relations April 6th-10th

This week in Family Relations we discussed four Family Theories. I would like to explain them in this blog. Family Systems Theory is defined as identifying the family as a whole. I think this is very important, I know that when my family members do not feel equally important to each other many problems arise. We also discussed Exchange Theory which is defined simply as keeping our costs lower than our rewards. In many relationships we are constantly worried about putting too much effort in and thinking we do not get that same amount of effort back in response to our efforts. Symbolic Theory views humans primarily as cognitive creatures who are influenced by interaction and experiences. And Conflict Theory are societies characterized by inequality. But it is important to remember that groups have different goals and outcomes from those goals. A really important point was brought up in class which was, what can I do to show love and not get love from others. If we express our love to others we will receive love from them in return.  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Classmate Blogg Links

If you would like to learn more about Family Relations please follow my classmates links:

Adame, Shawn
Woodbury, Bryea
Ayles, Nikole
Baccile, Chris
Bennett, Rachael
Black, Marisa
Campbell, Braden

Chismar, Erin
Coffin, Justin
Davis, Erin
Doty, Makenna
Erickson, Alysha
Hansen, Ashley
Hanson, Katie
Jackson, Lindsey

Johnston, Becca

King, Emily
Krout, Kristin
Allen, Derek
Madsen, Lauren
Manwaring, Vanessa
Marsh, Kathy

Moore, Karly
Morris, Mckenna
Moser, Logan
Parks, Michael
Perez, Amy
Pierce, Brittany
Powers, Sarah
Roncallo, Alyssa
Sherrill, Mary 
Simmons, Kathryn Joy
Skillings, Shayla
Skinner, Mckenzie
Snell, Talia
Steinmetz, Rebekah
Tavernier, Tashara

Thompson, Maddi
Tucker, Addison
Vasquez, Jessica
Lassen, Rebecca
Beck, Stephanie
Marsh, Cassidy

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Marriage and Family in America: April 29th-May 3rd

This week in Family Relations our class discussed the importance of marriage and family. The rate is growing in men and women living alone, 31.7 million Americans live alone. Young adults are choosing to delay marriage and those who are married, many are getting divorced for simple issues. What happened to the need and the desire to find a companion and a help meet? Wouldn't most people want to share their life experiences with others and have someone by their side to love and encourage them? I would think so, but I am learning that much of the world has a completely different outlook on what is important. Recent trends in the world are: birth rates dropping, delaying marriage, unmarried births are increasing, cohabitation is increasing, abortion is increasing, employed mothers are increasing, living alone is increasing, divorce rate is increasing as well as pre-marital sex. Seems like one trend leads to or is connected to many other trends. It makes me wonder if people are living the term of Exchange Theory, which means, keeping costs lower than rewards. Are we afraid of the challenges marriages can bring? I think too many people do not realize the happiness a family can create. I know that everyone has different opinions on this issue, and people come from many different situations and backgrounds. So I do not want to offend anyone by my comments, these are just some questions and concerns I have with this issue.